Which branch of the arts do you think these people are talking about? Example: "It was a strong cast but the play itself is weak. ' Theatre 1 'It's called Peace. It stands in the main square. 2 'Animation doesn't have to be just Disney, you know, 3 3 'It was just pure movement, with very exciting rhythms. 4 'It doesn't have to rhyme to be good. 5 'Oils to me don't have the delicacy of water-colours. 6 'Her design for the new shopping centre won an award. 7 7 "I read them and imagine what they'd be like on stage. 8 "The first chapter was boring but it got better later. 9 'I was falling asleep by the second act.
1 Underline the correct word or phrase.
1 He didn’t eat any / no food. He wasn’t hungry.
2 We need some coffee. There’s any / none in the cupboard.
3 How much coffee do you drink? A lot / A lot of.
4 I work very hard so I don’t have much / many free time.
5 Put a few / a little salt in the soup.
6 How much / many glasses of water do you drink?
2 Complete the sentences with the comparative form of the adjective in brackets.
1 She’s happier (happy) now than when she was a teenager.
2 Your iPod is more expensive (expensive) than mine.
3 Harry’s a worse (bad) cook than me.
4 This year’s class is harder (hard) than last year’s.
5 Kate is more beautiful (beautiful) than her sister.
6 It’s hotter (hot) in Australia than in England.
7 Carol’s a better (good) dancer than you.
8 Swimming in the sea is more dangerous (dangerous) than swimming in a pool.
3 Complete the sentences with a, an, some, or any.
1 ‘Can we have some toast, please?’ ‘Sorry. There isn’t any bread.’
2 I had a cup of coffee for breakfast.
3 Are there any eggs in the fridge?
4 There are some strawberries on the table.
5 ‘I’m hungry.’ ‘Do you want an apple?’
6 Let’s make some pasta this evening.
4 Write the words in the correct places.
Fruit 9 pineapples 3 bananas 6 strawberries
Vegetables 1 lettuce 4 potatoes 7 onions
Drinks 2 milk 5 tea 8 fruit juice
Хрещатик — одна з найвідоміших центральних вулиць світу. Тут уже два століття поспіль вирує центр комерційного, політичного та культурного життя Києва
Перші в Києві телефон, телеграф, трамвай, водопровід і каналізація, газове та електричне освітлення, нарешті, перший київський хмарочос — усе це Хрещатик. Тут слухали Бетховена і розглядалии виставки російських художників-передвижників, цією вулицею гуляли Т. Шевченко і М. Щепкін, П. Чайковський та Ф. Шаляпін, В. Маяковський та І. Мандельштам... 1200 метрів — одна з найкоротших центральних вулиць світу, і тому тим більше цікаво пройтися нею, зрозуміти, чому саме вона стала «концентратом» історії Києва останніх століть.