Work with your partner and tell him/her about the neighbourhood you live in. you have 1 minute to prepare and 2-3 minutes to talk. the following questions will help you to organise your speaking: what do you like about your neighbourhood? why? what are the popular places in your neighbourhood? what is the difference between a town and a city? what is the difference between rural and urban? give examples. do people like to live in rural or urban areas these days? why?
1) Cindy and Robert need more money if they are to live in a big city. 2) He forgot to tell us about the results of their investigation. 3) Shall I tell them about the consequences of their activities? 4) You can use the internet to find some information. 5). Please, don’t trouble to see me out. 6. You’d better avoid him. 7) We don’t know whether to invite him or not. 8) He is to call us as soon as he reaches the destination. 9) We’d better get a move on before it rains. 10) Why read a book which you don’t understand?
1. Our medical college has a library where the students can get all the text books.
перевод: В нашем медицинском колледже есть библиотека, где студенты могут получить все учебники.
2. After blood transfusion the patient must remain in bed for 2-3 hours.
перевод: После переливания крови больной должен оставаться в постели в течение 2-3 часов.
3. After the experiment doctor Simpson began to use chloroform during his operations.
перевод: После эксперимента доктор Симпсон начал использовать хлороформ во время своих операций.
4. Transfusion of incompatible blood may produce a post transfusion shock.
перевод: Переливание несовместимой крови может вызвать посттрансфузионный шок.
5. His mother made him see a doctor.
перевод: Мама заставила его обратиться к врачу.