Leonardo da Vinci is a famous Italian painter, writer, scientist and musician. He was born in the family of a rich landowner and a poor peasant woman. Leonardo received a good educatыion. He could draw both hands. When he was a child Leonardo has been sick. He drew Mona Lisa. Her smile is a secret for all art lovers. Leonardo da Vinci invented the bicycle, the spotlight and many other inventions. The artist also studied anatomy. Leonardo da Vinci made a great contribution to science, painting and medicine.
Перевод. Леонардо да Винчи - известный итальянский художник, писатель, ученый и музыкант. Он родился в семье богатого помещика и бедной крестьянки. Леонардо получил хорошее образование. Он мог нарисовать обеими рукакми. Когда он был ребенком, Леонардо много болел. Он нарисовал Мону Лизу. Ее улыбка - секрет для всех любителей искусства. Леонардо да Винчи изобрел велосипед, прожектор и многие другие изобретения. Художник изучал анатомию. Леонардо да Винчи внес большой вклад в науку, живопись и медицину.
1. He was sent to London by his parents.2 Ben wasn’t invited to the birthday party.3 Our marks were announced at the lesson by the teacher. 4. All her money will be spent on clothes. 5. They are touched English at school. 6. I hope my mistake will be forgotten. 7. All the documents were lost by Kate. 8. Jane was operated by Professor last month. 9. I was told they would leave soon. 10. My purse was forgotten at home. 11. I will be taken to the country by my parents. 12. This work will be finished in the evening.
Leonardo da Vinci is a famous Italian painter, writer, scientist and musician. He was born in the family of a rich landowner and a poor peasant woman. Leonardo received a good educatыion. He could draw both hands. When he was a child Leonardo has been sick. He drew Mona Lisa. Her smile is a secret for all art lovers. Leonardo da Vinci invented the bicycle, the spotlight and many other inventions. The artist also studied anatomy. Leonardo da Vinci made a great contribution to science, painting and medicine.
Перевод. Леонардо да Винчи - известный итальянский художник, писатель, ученый и музыкант. Он родился в семье богатого помещика и бедной крестьянки. Леонардо получил хорошее образование. Он мог нарисовать обеими рукакми. Когда он был ребенком, Леонардо много болел. Он нарисовал Мону Лизу. Ее улыбка - секрет для всех любителей искусства. Леонардо да Винчи изобрел велосипед, прожектор и многие другие изобретения. Художник изучал анатомию. Леонардо да Винчи внес большой вклад в науку, живопись и медицину.