Writing a Good Film Review Read the statement and choose the correct answer. ) Text What is the title of the film? What is genre of the film? What is it about? Check
История техники начинается с использования первобытными людьми каменных инструментов. В древности, около 2.5 миллионов лет назад, производились каменные инструменты, использовались огонь, копья, луки и стрелы и простые масляные лампы. В эпоху неолита, около 90000 до н.э., появилось сельское хозяйство, использовались роющие палки и деревянные мотыги. Каменные инструменты улучшились и для срубки деревьев использовались каменные топоры. Люди неолита создавали горшки, ткань, корзины, строили дома и лодки.
1.) How long did you stay there?/How long was Nick doing his homework? 2.) Where did Sam go yesterday?/ Where was Mary walking until I rang her? 3.) What was Ann doing at 5 o'clock last Friday?/ What did you do last weekend? 4.) Why did you send her an e-mail two weeks ago?/ Why was Ally watching that show from 3 till 4 yesterday? 5.) Whom did Alex write a letter last Monday?/ Whom was you doing a present before I came to you? 6.) How was you clining your room from 5 till 7 yesterday?/ How did you play with her brother yesterday? 7.) When did he start his work?/ When was Peter cooking? 8.) Who did paint this picture?/ Who was working in her garden from 9 till 11 yesterday?
2.) Where did Sam go yesterday?/ Where was Mary walking until I rang her?
3.) What was Ann doing at 5 o'clock last Friday?/ What did you do last weekend?
4.) Why did you send her an e-mail two weeks ago?/ Why was Ally watching that show from 3 till 4 yesterday?
5.) Whom did Alex write a letter last Monday?/ Whom was you doing a present before I came to you?
6.) How was you clining your room from 5 till 7 yesterday?/ How did you play with her brother yesterday?
7.) When did he start his work?/ When was Peter cooking?
8.) Who did paint this picture?/ Who was working in her garden from 9 till 11 yesterday?