Coronavirus has become a serious problem for people all over the world. It appeared in China and quickly spread to other countries.
This disease is similar to the flu. Symptoms of coronavirus are coughing and fever. Young people usually experience a mild form of the disease. However, coronavirus is a serious danger for the elderly and people suffering from diabetes.
Various measures are being taken to prevent the spread of coronavirus: mass events are being canceled, many employees work from home, and many schoolchildren switch to distant learning. A lot of people are quarantined. Some countries even temporarily closed their borders.
Unfortunately, measures against the coronavirus cause great harm to the world economy. Many companies suffer heavy losses and may even go bankrupt. This will inevitably affect the income of the population.
Of course, it is difficult to calculate all the consequences. For now, we can only follow the situation and wash our hands more often.
O'qituvchilar kuni eng muhim maktab bayramidir. Barcha talabalar unga tayyorgarlik ko'rmoqda
g'ayrat va ijodiy yondashuv. Birinchi sinf o'quvchilari rangli qalam bilan bo'yalgan
kuzgi kviling, o'rta maktab yog'och hunarmandchiligi va metallga ishlov berish bilan mashhur.
O'rta maktab o'quvchilari she'r va qo'shiqlar yozadilar, shuningdek, barcha spektakllarni yaratadilar.
Shu kuni maktab liniyasi ayniqsa tantanali va bayramdir. Gullar gullari
voroxlar o'qituvchilar jadvallarida yotadi. Aqlli talabalar hech narsani soya qilmaslikka harakat qilishadi
o'qituvchilarga bayram. Hatto dvoechniki va lobotryas ham kamtarlik va mehnatsevarlik bilan harakat qilishadi.
O'qituvchining kasbiga hurmat erta maktab vaqtidan boshlab emlanadi. O'qituvchilar rahbarlik qilmoqda
biz o'n yildan o'n ikki yilgacha yashaymiz. Maktab ostonasini aql bovar qilmas odamlar bilan kesib o'tish, biz
biz uni deyarli kattalar tomonidan tark etamiz. O'qituvchilar bizga turli fanlarni o'rgatadi, eng muhimi
Ularning asosiy qismi "qanday qilib haqiqiy inson bo'lish kerak".
Coronavirus has become a serious problem for people all over the world. It appeared in China and quickly spread to other countries.
This disease is similar to the flu. Symptoms of coronavirus are coughing and fever. Young people usually experience a mild form of the disease. However, coronavirus is a serious danger for the elderly and people suffering from diabetes.
Various measures are being taken to prevent the spread of coronavirus: mass events are being canceled, many employees work from home, and many schoolchildren switch to distant learning. A lot of people are quarantined. Some countries even temporarily closed their borders.
Unfortunately, measures against the coronavirus cause great harm to the world economy. Many companies suffer heavy losses and may even go bankrupt. This will inevitably affect the income of the population.
Of course, it is difficult to calculate all the consequences. For now, we can only follow the situation and wash our hands more often.