Основной принцип работы цифрового фотоаппарата можно выразить в нескольких словах: свет преображается в электричество. Все здесь служит для привлечения света, от кнопки пуск до линз, В цифровом фотоаппарате: он преобразует свет в электрические заряды, которые становятся образом, запечатленным на экране. Частицы света фотоны покидают источник света, отталкиваются от предмета и входят в камеру через несколько линз. Затем фотоны следуют по установленному пути. Целый ряд линз позволяет сделать максимально четкое изображение.
T.: Only three days. That’s why I’d like to go there again .
E.: Let me accompany you. I know that all the nature there is absolutely charming and paintful! T.: That’s nice. We’ll start our trip in 10-15 minutes
E.: I fully agree with you. It’s important to go there as soon as possible, because I can't wait anymore to see those great places!
T.: Wow! It’s really wonderful! Isn’t it the building of the Houses of parliament? I didn't know that this building is so big and rich decorated! Just take a look to these walls and to the valley behind!
E.: Yes you are right. It is the most beautiful building in the world, in my opinion!
T.: Only three days. That’s why I’d like to go there again .
E.: Let me accompany you. I know that all the nature there is absolutely charming and paintful!
T.: That’s nice. We’ll start our trip in 10-15 minutes
E.: I fully agree with you. It’s important to go there as soon as possible, because I can't wait anymore to see those great places!
T.: Wow! It’s really wonderful! Isn’t it the building of the Houses of parliament? I didn't know that this building is so big and rich decorated! Just take a look to these walls and to the valley behind!
E.: Yes you are right. It is the most beautiful building in the world, in my opinion!