Закончи предложения. Употреби выделенные глаголы в Past Simple Образец: The Baby Elephant didn’t go to the park yesterday. He went shopping 1) They didn’t see Martin
1) They didn’t see Martin. They saw Billy and Tiny
2) Alice didn’t buy mittens. She bought a scarf
3) Tiny didn’t write a new fairy tale last Sunday. He wrote a poem
4) Mrs Tiger didn’t make socks for Baby Elephant. She made new trainers
5) His friends didn’t have tea at the party. They had coffee
2) Alice didn’t buy mittens. She bought a scarf
3) Tiny didn’t write a new fairy tale last Sunday. He wrote a poem
4) Mrs Tiger didn’t make socks for Baby Elephant. She made new trainers
5) His friends didn’t have tea at the party. They had coffee