Рассчитайте, какое количество грузов получил сталелитейный комбинат в темиртау в 2012 году для производства 3 млн. т проката. сопоставьте полученные железнодорожный транспорт страны (в 2012 г. – 290 млн. сделайте выводы. определите по карте крупнейший центр черной металлургии казахстана, установите откуда он получает сырье и топливо?
"This summer I will go to the village to my girlfriend ..."
"I've been waiting for summer all year. First I'll set the school on fire. Then I'll kill the mathematician, then the geography and Trudovik. And then I'll go to the river Viluy to wash the gold ... "
"And I'll be engaging in wood carving all summer. Dad said that if I do not correct the four deuces that come out of me for a year, then I'll spend the whole summer with a jig saw near the pine. My dad himself spent so several years, but not for the deuce, but for the other. And he believes that this is the best way to understand the meaning of life. And I do not seem to correct the deuce.
"This summer I will go to the village to my girlfriend ..."
"I've been waiting for summer all year. First I'll set the school on fire. Then I'll kill the mathematician, then the geography and Trudovik. And then I'll go to the river Viluy to wash the gold ... "
"And I'll be engaging in wood carving all summer. Dad said that if I do not correct the four deuces that come out of me for a year, then I'll spend the whole summer with a jig saw near the pine. My dad himself spent so several years, but not for the deuce, but for the other. And he believes that this is the best way to understand the meaning of life. And I do not seem to correct the deuce.