2-тапсырма. Берілген қыстырма сөздерді қатыстырып сөйлем құрап жаз. Меніңше, біріншіден, сеніңше, қорыта айтқанда, қысқасы, сіздерше, оның пікірінше, бағымызға қарай, амал қанша, абырой бергенде, рас, бәсе, мүмкін, тегі, кім біледі, байқаймын, бәлкім, олай болса, сөйтіп, сонымен, қысқасы, айтпақшы, бір жағынан, әуелі.
Я думаю, що неважливо, на яких мовах говорять діти Казахстану. Всіх нас, незалежно від кольору шкіри і розрізу очей. Об'єднує почуття любові і вдячності рідній землі. Пам'ятайте наказ И. Алтинсаріна: \ "Обов'язок кожного з нас - внести посильну лепту на користь своєї Батьківщини \". І якщо є у людини дар, талант, розум, він неодмінно буде вживати їх на славу своєї Вітчизни. Я люблю тебе, Казахстан, сучасний, незалежний, спрямований в майбутнє.
I was born and live in Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan - my homeland, my homeland. The land where the person was born and raised, is in his heart forever. Mountains and plains, rivers and lakes, boundless steppe and desert sand - all our Kazakhstan. What a varied fauna! Caspian sturgeon, mountain leopard, argali, saiga herds, golden eagle and falcon, a lot of other animals and birds have always been and are the pride of Kazakhstan. I looked at the map and amazed, because the whole periodic table is in the bowels of Kazakhstan, and in fact is not just, and is available in large quantities: both gas and oil, and metals, and salts, and huge stocks of fresh and mineral water. Each person has a first name, middle name. And what is the surname, first name, middle name of my country? Anthem, flag, coat of arms! Flag blue means peace and prosperity. Golden Sun with rays - peace and wealth. A soaring eagle symbolizes the generosity and vigilance, the height of thoughts. What I want to say good about my Kazakhstan! Take Jota to our city of Shymkent. How to change its appearance: beautiful architecture, European style, the abundance of cultural centers, places where young people can relax and spend their leisure time. Of course, along with the positive factors are still many negative in our lives, but I believe that the evils of our society will be over.
I think that no matter what languages the children speak Kazakh. All of us, regardless of skin color and eye shape. It combines the feeling of love and gratitude to his native land. Remember s mandate. Altynsarin: \ "It is the duty of each of us - to make a strong contribution to the benefit of his homeland \". And if a man has a gift, talent, intelligence, he would use them to the glory of their homeland. I love you, Kazakhstan, modern, independent, looking to the future.