2 Think of a book you know very well wortes 3 Which actors would you like to mee what meet them 4 Which event at the book festival do you want to go to
2. I know very well the book "After you", this is the 2nd part of the book "Me before you". It tells the story of Lousie Clark, who cannot cope after the death of her loved one
3. I would like to meet personally Emelia Clarke and Emma Watson
4. Probably "Still the same me" but unfortunately it's festival has already passed
На 2 вопросе расскажи краткий сюжет своей любимой книги
На 3 вопросе расскажи про актеров с которыми ты хотела бы встретиться и познакомиться
На 4 вопросе расскажи на фестиваль какой бы книги ты бы хотела придти
2. I know very well the book "After you", this is the 2nd part of the book "Me before you". It tells the story of Lousie Clark, who cannot cope after the death of her loved one
3. I would like to meet personally Emelia Clarke and Emma Watson
4. Probably "Still the same me" but unfortunately it's festival has already passed
На 2 вопросе расскажи краткий сюжет своей любимой книги
На 3 вопросе расскажи про актеров с которыми ты хотела бы встретиться и познакомиться
На 4 вопросе расскажи на фестиваль какой бы книги ты бы хотела придти