Очень нужно Расставьте предложение в правильном порядке, используя таблицу спряжения сильных глаголов, поставьте глагол в нужной форме: sehen/aber/meine Mutter/lessen/fern/die Bücher/lessen/mein Futter
1. Ich hatte mit dieser Aufgabe Probleme gehabt.
Pronoun: Ich
Verb: hatte Probleme gehabt
Infinitive: haben
Explanation: The verb "hatte" is in the past tense form of the auxiliary verb "haben" (to have) and expresses the past perfect tense. "Probleme gehabt" is the past participle form of the verb "haben" (to have) and expresses the action of having problems.
2. Ich war in dieser Stadt nicht gewesen.
Pronoun: Ich
Verb: war nicht gewesen
Infinitive: sein
Explanation: The verb "war" is in the past tense form of the auxiliary verb "sein" (to be) and expresses the past perfect tense. "Nicht gewesen" is the past participle form of the verb "sein" (to be) and expresses the action of not being in the city.
3. Ich war über diese Worte böse geworden.
Pronoun: Ich
Verb: war böse geworden
Infinitive: werden
Explanation: The verb "war" is in the past tense form of the auxiliary verb "sein" (to be) and expresses the past perfect tense. "Böse geworden" is the past participle form of the verb "werden" (to become) and expresses the action of becoming angry over these words.
4. Ich hatte den Freund zum Geburtstag gratuliert.
Pronoun: Ich
Verb: hatte gratuliert
Infinitive: gratulieren
Explanation: The verb "hatte" is in the past tense form of the auxiliary verb "haben" (to have) and expresses the past perfect tense. "Gratuliert" is the past participle form of the verb "gratulieren" (to congratulate) and expresses the action of congratulating the friend for their birthday.
5. Ich war um sieben Uhr aufgestanden.
Pronoun: Ich
Verb: war aufgestanden
Infinitive: aufstehen
Explanation: The verb "war" is in the past tense form of the auxiliary verb "sein" (to be) and expresses the past perfect tense. "Aufgestanden" is the past participle form of the verb "aufstehen" (to get up) and expresses the action of getting up at seven o'clock.
6. Ich hatte das Lehrbuch zu Hause vergessen.
Pronoun: Ich
Verb: hatte vergessen
Infinitive: vergessen
Explanation: The verb "hatte" is in the past tense form of the auxiliary verb "haben" (to have) and expresses the past perfect tense. "Vergessen" is the past participle form of the verb "vergessen" (to forget) and expresses the action of forgetting the textbook at home.
7. Ich hatte den Text ohne Wörterbuch nicht übersetzen können.
Pronoun: Ich
Verb: hatte übersetzen können
Infinitive: können
Explanation: The verb "hatte" is in the past tense form of the auxiliary verb "haben" (to have) and expresses the past perfect tense. "Übersetzen können" is the past participle form of the verb "können" (to be able to) and expresses the action of being able to translate the text without a dictionary.
1. He had packed his suitcase and went to the train station.
Verbs in Plusquamperfekt: hatte gepackt
Infinitive: packen
2. They had studied diligently and passed their exams excellently.
Verbs in Plusquamperfekt: hatten studiert, bestanden
Infinitives: studieren, bestehen
3. My classmates had already finished the work, but I was still not done.
Verbs in Plusquamperfekt: hatten geendet
Infinitive: enden
4. He had washed himself and quickly got dressed.
Verbs in Plusquamperfekt: hatte gewaschen, kleidete
Infinitives: waschen, kleiden
5. They had collected mushrooms in the forest and returned home.
Verbs in Plusquamperfekt: hatten gesammelt, kehrten
Infinitives: sammeln, kehren
6. He had gotten an apartment and was moving today.
Verbs in Plusquamperfekt: hatte bekommen, zog
Infinitives: bekommen, ziehen
a) darf
Ты можешь придти сегодня вечером?
Нет, мне не разрешают больше так поздно уходить из дома.
b) darf/ kannst
Мама, почему мне нельзя дольше не ложиться спать?
Иди в свою комнату, ты можешь еще немножко почитать.
c) Darfst/ kann
Что с тобой случилось? Тебе не разрешают ходить на танцы? Разрешают, но сегодня я не могу это сделать. У меня так болит нога!
d) kann
Маттиас летом может поехать в Англию.
e) kann
Клавдия не может пойти на вечеринку. У нее нет времени.
f) dürft
Томас и Бернд, вы готовы? -Да! - Хорошо, тогда я вам разрешаю пойти на перемену.
Pronoun: Ich
Verb: hatte Probleme gehabt
Infinitive: haben
Explanation: The verb "hatte" is in the past tense form of the auxiliary verb "haben" (to have) and expresses the past perfect tense. "Probleme gehabt" is the past participle form of the verb "haben" (to have) and expresses the action of having problems.
2. Ich war in dieser Stadt nicht gewesen.
Pronoun: Ich
Verb: war nicht gewesen
Infinitive: sein
Explanation: The verb "war" is in the past tense form of the auxiliary verb "sein" (to be) and expresses the past perfect tense. "Nicht gewesen" is the past participle form of the verb "sein" (to be) and expresses the action of not being in the city.
3. Ich war über diese Worte böse geworden.
Pronoun: Ich
Verb: war böse geworden
Infinitive: werden
Explanation: The verb "war" is in the past tense form of the auxiliary verb "sein" (to be) and expresses the past perfect tense. "Böse geworden" is the past participle form of the verb "werden" (to become) and expresses the action of becoming angry over these words.
4. Ich hatte den Freund zum Geburtstag gratuliert.
Pronoun: Ich
Verb: hatte gratuliert
Infinitive: gratulieren
Explanation: The verb "hatte" is in the past tense form of the auxiliary verb "haben" (to have) and expresses the past perfect tense. "Gratuliert" is the past participle form of the verb "gratulieren" (to congratulate) and expresses the action of congratulating the friend for their birthday.
5. Ich war um sieben Uhr aufgestanden.
Pronoun: Ich
Verb: war aufgestanden
Infinitive: aufstehen
Explanation: The verb "war" is in the past tense form of the auxiliary verb "sein" (to be) and expresses the past perfect tense. "Aufgestanden" is the past participle form of the verb "aufstehen" (to get up) and expresses the action of getting up at seven o'clock.
6. Ich hatte das Lehrbuch zu Hause vergessen.
Pronoun: Ich
Verb: hatte vergessen
Infinitive: vergessen
Explanation: The verb "hatte" is in the past tense form of the auxiliary verb "haben" (to have) and expresses the past perfect tense. "Vergessen" is the past participle form of the verb "vergessen" (to forget) and expresses the action of forgetting the textbook at home.
7. Ich hatte den Text ohne Wörterbuch nicht übersetzen können.
Pronoun: Ich
Verb: hatte übersetzen können
Infinitive: können
Explanation: The verb "hatte" is in the past tense form of the auxiliary verb "haben" (to have) and expresses the past perfect tense. "Übersetzen können" is the past participle form of the verb "können" (to be able to) and expresses the action of being able to translate the text without a dictionary.
1. He had packed his suitcase and went to the train station.
Verbs in Plusquamperfekt: hatte gepackt
Infinitive: packen
2. They had studied diligently and passed their exams excellently.
Verbs in Plusquamperfekt: hatten studiert, bestanden
Infinitives: studieren, bestehen
3. My classmates had already finished the work, but I was still not done.
Verbs in Plusquamperfekt: hatten geendet
Infinitive: enden
4. He had washed himself and quickly got dressed.
Verbs in Plusquamperfekt: hatte gewaschen, kleidete
Infinitives: waschen, kleiden
5. They had collected mushrooms in the forest and returned home.
Verbs in Plusquamperfekt: hatten gesammelt, kehrten
Infinitives: sammeln, kehren
6. He had gotten an apartment and was moving today.
Verbs in Plusquamperfekt: hatte bekommen, zog
Infinitives: bekommen, ziehen
Topic: Plusquamperfekt