Составить 10 предложений с пропусками и словарным толкованием вместо слов с орфограммами на 2 разных орфографических правила (по 5 предложений на правило). в предложении должно быть 10 слов с орфограммами по выбранному орфографическому правилу.
Зима – это замечательная пора года. Ведь именно зимой наряжают елку, катаются на санках и лепят снежную бабу. Но есть еще один очень интересный момент, который я люблю больше всего – вид из окна. Я очень люблю садиться на большой подоконник в моей комнате с чашкой горячего чая, и смотреть на улицу. Все вокруг покрыто снегом. Только на дорогах виден асфальт. На противоположном доме с крыш и окон свисают сосульки. Снег забился во все щели. Все окна запотевшие. На некоторых наклеили бумажные снежинки. Все деревья давно голые без листьев, но теперь все веточки покрыты снегом. Те деревья, где веток больше, похожи на большое мороженое. Внизу ходят люди. Все замотаны в теплые куртки, шубы, шапки и шарфы. Никто не спешит, ведь ветра нет, так что можно спокойно полюбоваться природой. Возле дома собрались люди с лопатами, чтобы разгребать снег и сделать красивую тропинку. Солнышко ярко светит. Оно уже не греет, но его лучи падают на снег, и тот начинает искриться и сиять. Несколько голубей сидели на лавочке. Сейчас им нелегко, ведь все крошки, которые им накидали, засыпало снегом. А вот побежали дети играть в снежки. Они с удовольствием и оглушительным смехом падают в большие кучи снега, которые с таким трудом собирали дворники. Смотреть на все вокруг зимой очень приятно. Это действительно красивая пора
Peter the Great or Pyotr Alexeyevich Romanov (Russian: Пётр I Алексеевич Pyotr I Пётр I фото/ Peter I photo image picAlekse`yevich, Пётр Великий Pyotr Veli`kiy) (9 June 1672 – 8 February 1725 [30 May 1672–28 January 1725 O.S.]) ruled Russia from 7 May (27 April O.S.) 1682 until his death, jointly ruling before 1696 with his weak and sickly half-brother, Ivan V. Peter carried out a policy of "Westernization" and expansion that transformed the Tsardom of Russia into the Russian Empire, a major European power.
Peter, the son of Alexei Mikhailovich of Russia and his second wife, Nataliya Kyrillovna Naryshkina, was born in Moscow. Alexei had previously married Maria Miloslavskaya, having five sons and eight daughters by her, although only two of the sons—Feodor and Ivan V—were alive when Peter was born. Alexei I died in 1676, to be succeeded by his oldest surviving son, who became Fyodor III.
Fyodor III's uneventful reign ended within six years; as Fyodor did not leave any children, a dispute over the succession between the Naryshkin and Miloslavskyi families broke out. Ivan was the next for the throne, but he was chronically ill and of infirm mind. Consequently, the Boyar Duma (a council of Russian nobles) chose the ten-year old Peter to become Tsar, his mother becoming regent. But one of Alexei's daughters by his first marriage, Sophia Alekseyevna, led a rebellion of the Streltsy (Russia's elite military corps). In the subsequent conflict, many of Peter's relatives and friends were murdered—Peter even witnessed the butchery of one of his uncles by a mob. The memory of this violence may have caused trauma during Peter's earlier years
Peter, the son of Alexei Mikhailovich of Russia and his second wife, Nataliya Kyrillovna Naryshkina, was born in Moscow. Alexei had previously married Maria Miloslavskaya, having five sons and eight daughters by her, although only two of the sons—Feodor and Ivan V—were alive when Peter was born. Alexei I died in 1676, to be succeeded by his oldest surviving son, who became Fyodor III.
Fyodor III's uneventful reign ended within six years; as Fyodor did not leave any children, a dispute over the succession between the Naryshkin and Miloslavskyi families broke out. Ivan was the next for the throne, but he was chronically ill and of infirm mind. Consequently, the Boyar Duma (a council of Russian nobles) chose the ten-year old Peter to become Tsar, his mother becoming regent. But one of Alexei's daughters by his first marriage, Sophia Alekseyevna, led a rebellion of the Streltsy (Russia's elite military corps). In the subsequent conflict, many of Peter's relatives and friends were murdered—Peter even witnessed the butchery of one of his uncles by a mob. The memory of this violence may have caused trauma during Peter's earlier years