1. Отрезок пересекает плоскость .Концы его отстоят от плоскости на 12см .Найдите расстояние середины этого отрезка от плоскости. (и рисунок)
2. Отрезок АВ параллелен плоскости и равен 4см .Отрезок BK,соединяющий конец В с проекцией А другого конца составляет с плоскостью угол 60о . Определить длину отрезка BK.
You read a lot about England and you really start liking this county. Write this news to your English friend: a) The more I read about England, the bigger I like it. 6) The much I read about England, the bigger I like B) The more I read about England, the more I like it. r) The many I read about England, the many I like it. You read a lot about England and you really start liking this county. Write this news to your English friend: a) The more I read about England, the bigger I like it. 6) The much I read about England, the bigger I like B) The more I read about England, the more I like it. r) The many I read about England, the many I like it. You read a lot about England and you really start liking this county. Write this news to your English friend: a) The more I read about England, the bigger I like it. 6) The much I read about England, the bigger I like B) The more I read about England, the more I like it. r) The many I read about England, the many I like it. You read a lot about England and you really start liking this county. Write this news to your English friend: a) The more I read about England, the bigger I like it. 6) The much I read about England, the bigger I like B) The more I read about England, the more I like it. r) The many I read about England, the many I like it. You read a lot about England and you really start liking this county. Write this news to your English friend: a) The more I read about England, the bigger I like it. 6) The much I read about England, the bigger I like B) The more I read about England, the more I like it. r) The many I read about England, the many I like it. You read a lot about England and you really start liking this county. Write this news to your English friend: a) The more I read about England, the bigger I like it. 6) The much I read about England, the bigger I like B) The more I read about England, the more I like it. r) The many I read about England, the many I like it. You read a lot about England and you really start liking this county. Write this news to your English friend: a) The more I read about England, the bigger I like it. 6) The much I read about England, the bigger I like B) The more I read about England, the more I like it. r) The many I read about England, the many I like it. You read a lot about England and you really start liking this county. Write this news to your English friend: a) The more I read about England, the bigger I like it. 6) The much I read about England, the bigger I like B) The more I read about England, the more I like it. r) The many I read about England, the many I like it. You read a lot about England and you really start liking this county. Write this news to your English friend: a) The more I read about England, the bigger I like it. 6) The much I read about England, the bigger I like B) The more I read about England, the more I like it. r) The many I read about England, the many I like it. You read a lot about England and you really start liking this county. Write this news to your English friend: a) The more I read about England, the bigger I like it. 6) The much I read about England, the bigger I like B) The more I read about England, the more I like it. r) The many I read about England, the many I like it. You read a lot about England and you really start liking this county. Write this news to your English friend: a) The more I read about England, the bigger I like it. 6) The much I read about England, the bigger I like B) The more I read about England, the more I like it. r) The many I read about England, the many I like it. You read a lot about England an
5-9 геометрия 5+3 б
через концы хорды АВ, равной радиусу окружности, проведены две касательные, пересекающиеся в точке С. Найдите угол АСВ.
Nadinbdjdf 10.04.2012
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Djamik123 ученый ответил 10.04.2012
соединим хорду АВ с радиусом..получается равносторонний треугольник , углы в нем равны = 60 градусов..
значит угол АОВ = 60 градусов..проведем касательные..из четырехугольник известны два угла по 90 градусов в точке касания касательных..
угол АОВ + 90 + 90 + АСВ = 360, х = 360 - 90 - 90 - 60 = 120 градусов